Acoustics Research at LSBU

LSBU houses the only centre for study with this level of facilities in the South-East of England, including a full-size reverberation chamber, anechoic chambers, two audiometric booths and an exceptionally well equipped and staffed laboratory, with access to the very latest instrumentation and technology.

The Anechoic Chamber (anechoic meaning echo-free) is a specialist facility that has been carefully designed and built to achieve almost perfect quiet conditions. Within the chamber, external sound is not allowed to break in and sound reflections off internal room boundaries cannot occur.

Almost perfect acoustic isolation is achieved by a "box in a box" construction made of very heavy concrete walls  and internal surfaces  made of 70cm long foam wedges and large, heavy sound-proof doors. The inner box is mounted on springs to avoid the transmission of vibration from London Underground trains which run underneath the chamber. The suspended floor is made from a metal grill so that heavier equipment, up to 50kg, can be measured. This chamber allows sound power levels to be accurately determined, frequency responses to be measured and pure recordings to be made. Recordings can later be processed to create aural simulations of virtual environments.

Anechoic Chamber

The Reverberation Chamber shares the same characteristics as the anechoic chamber except for the opposite nature of internal boundaries. These are made very hard and reflective to promote sound reflections and minimal sound absorption. This allows the absorption coefficient of a material sample to be accurately determined using BS ISO EN 354:2003, or sound power levels of large machines, up to 400 Kg, to be measured BS ISO EN 3741:2010. The reverberation created by the numerous sound reflections makes this chamber sound like a large old church!

Reverberation Chamber

Our specialised lab equipment includes:

  • B&K Shaker

  • B&K accelerometers

  • B&K head and Torso Simulator

  • B&K calibrated sound source

  • BSWA two channel Standing Wave/sound transmission Tube

  • Microflown Impedance Gun

  • 2 KayPentax Vocal Load APM

  • Svantek 6 Channel Vibration Meter

  • JBL 6112 Subwoofer

  • 2 Dodec Loudspeakers

  • 3 Norsonic Nor 140 Class 1 SLM

  • 2 CEL 593 Class 1 SLM

  • Svantek 958 Noise/Vibration meter

  • Norsonic Nor 132 Class 2 SLM

  • 6 NTI XL2 Class 1 SLM

  • 10 SoundBadge Dosimeters

  • Rion Vibration Suite

  • B&K Standing Wave Tube

  • Norsonic Sound Insulation Kit.

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For more information contact Professor Steve Dance (


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